How To Maximize Your Video's Impact

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How To Maximize Your Video's Impact

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Video has become one of the most important content elements in marketing a company today. There are a WIDE variety of video content styles to choose from, ranging from educational to entertainment, and all points in between. Assuming you've created your video strategy and content, I'll show you how we maximize our video's impact and reach online.

The foundation of this strategy is that clips of the videos are doing the work, using short-form content to get your audience excited to watch the full, long-form video. Using video clips rather than just linking to the video allows your online viewers on the verious social media platforms to actually watch a part of your video in their social media feed as they are scrolling along. The video clip's job (along with the supporting text in the post) is to grab their attention and get them excited for more.

Step 1: Assuming you have your video ready to go and uploaded onto YouTube (a great place to house your collection of full-length videos), what we'll do first is create a series of video clips you can use on the various social media platforms in use today.

We use this video converting program (seen to the right), as we use Windows 11 for our everyday work.

Their website is found here: There are a wide variety of alternative simple video editing software packages available today that will accomplish what you'll need to do.

Step 2: Now it's time to convert the video. We create a series of clips as follow:

  • 5-minute video: LinkedIn allows video uploads up to 10 minutes. Since this video is almost 40 minutes long, we simply create a 5-minute clip, starting at the beginning, and upload that to LinkedIn, with a link to the longer form content found on YouTube.
    We follow two rules here... one, attention spans on social media are short, and two, the short form content should be designed to excite and interest a viewer to follow through to view the longer form content on YouTube (or wherever you have it posted).
  • 2-minute video: This we create for Twitter
  • 59-second video: This we create for Instagram's traditional content feed


We haven't discussed creating vertical video (9:16 ratio) for use on Instagram Reels, Facebook Stories, TikTok and Snapchat. That's a different conversation, as you're usually dealing with a different type of more entertaining content that is often shorter form. On TikTok, you can now upload 10-minute videos, and on Instagram, you can upload full videos using their IGTV format and create story-form clips automatically from there.

Step 3: Now for the posts. We start on LinkedIn, where we post these videos "natively" (meaning we don't use automated software to try and make this work easier... we'll explain more below). We make a decision to post on a combination of three places... personal profile, group and company page. LinkedIn is very powerful for business-to-business outreach, as it allows you to reach outside of your own personal network, to get your message out there to "friends of friends" who you don't know, but who are possibly well aligned with your business.


The personal profile has traditionally been the strongest place to post, as it also allows you to tag the individuals and companies mentioned in your post. But groups have come up strong over the past few months, sometimes eclipsing the reach from your personal profile. But, you can only tag individuals that are a part of the group, and really no business listings at all. So that weakens the effectiveness of your post a bit (all social media algorithms increase your post's effectiveness by tagging the relevant subjects and businesses in your posts... allows you to tap into their network's reach as well). The third location is your company's LinkedIn profile. For us, we only create posts there that are specifically about our business, but some businesses will post more as a "thought leader" in their industry. We choose to use personal profiles and groups for that.

Next, we post on Twitter "natively". We do this as we find a lot of folks will post on a platform such as Instagram and automatically have their posts appear on Twitter, Facebook and more. The problem there is that when you're tagging a person or a business, which is very important for the overall strategy of maximizing the reach and engagement of your posts, the profile names on the various platforms may be different. That weakens your posts reach and overall effectiveness.

We had more to say than can fit in Twitter's 280-character limit. So as you can see from the post below, we "threaded" the post by utilizing Twitter's comment feature, allowing us to get our full message across (to those who will listen!)


Next, we post on Facebook. I chose to post from my personal profile in this instance, as like LinkedIn, it allows me the greatest flexibility and latitude in tagging individuals and businesses that are mentioned in the post.

Also, from a personal profile, it's easiest to share this post far and wide on Facebook Groups, as well as our business page.

I show what it would be like if we had posted directly onto our Pink Media business page as well. To share a post from your business page onto the Facebook Groups you are a member of, the trick is to change your identify from the business page to your personal profile, as shown below. You then have access for maximizing your sharing to groups and other business pages you may have or be a part of.


And lastly, we post on Instagram. We use Facebook's Creator Studio for our management of business posts on both Facebook and Instagram pages. The tools found here are very powerful and allow for easy to use and efficient uploading of content, including allowing us to tag individuals and businesses along the way.

And voila, that's it... from this point forward, the posts are all on their own. From our experience, some perform better than others, and my last little tidbit I'll leave you with is that I'm not 100% convinced it's all that important WHEN you post (there are a lot of opinions on this matter). We find that a post's power comes from the moment each individual engages with your post, whether that's a like, a comment or a share. From that moment, your post has a chance of appearing in their friend's feed, or other individuals you are connected with. Based on the idea of "crowdsourcing", the more popular posts of that day begin to rise above the rest. Even days later, when someone engages with a post, it gives that post an additional "push", and it starts performing well again at that moment in time. Since you can't control when someone is going to first engage with your post, we find that we let the social media algorithms just do their thing, and that some of our posts, following the strategy outlined above, can perform quite well.

Are you interested in being a part of these LGBTQ+ conversations? We work with any budgets (starting at $500)... call us at (323) 963-3653 or contact us here to get started.

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