#ILoveGay Today

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KeAndrè Arnold: Engaging Arkansas Communities
July 2024
#ILoveGay Today meets up with KeAndrè Arnold, Operations Director for Engaging Arkansas Communities, an organization providing HIV/STI prevention education and testing, as well as HIV social support services in Arkansas. One of their recent successful projects has been their "Sponsor A Ride" program, helping clients with limited transportation options in Arkansas utilize their various services. We... | [LINK]
| Little Rock, AR VIDEOS | @ILoveGayARK |
| QPOC/African-American VIDEOS | @IHeartQPOC |
| Health & Fitness VIDEOS | @ILoveGayHealth |

Queers & Soaps: Aaron Wallis & Tommy Figueroa
July 2021
#ILoveGay Today meets up with Queers & Soaps' podcasters Aaron Wallis & Tommy Figueroa. We chat about how they got started, as well as how they connected via Twitter, coming together on this amazing collaboration from Arkansas and Long Island, New York! Their most recent shows have covered 90210, as well as Buffy the Vampire Slayer. We chat about the shows they choose for each episode, as well as ... | [LINK]
| Little Rock, AR VIDEOS | @ILoveGayARK |
| Television VIDEOS | @ILoveGayTV |
| Entertainment VIDEOS | @ILoveGayTV |

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